Saturday 1 May 2021

Free Gospel Memorization | Musical Training for Geet and Zaboor


1.      Gospel Memorization

2.      Musical Training




Gospel Memorization is the Mission to Memorize the Jesus Main Teaching (Five Sermon) in the Book of the Matthew for His Disciples.

1st Sermon of Jesus Christ Matthew Chapter 5, 6 and 7 (Teaching the Laws)

2nd Sermon of Jesus Christ Matthew Chapter 10 (Instructions to the Disciples)

3rd Sermon of Jesus Christ Matthew Chapter 13 (Kingdom Parables)

4th Sermon of Jesus Christ Matthew Chapter 18 (Instructions to the Disciples)

5th Sermon of Jesus Christ Matthew Chapter 24 and 25 (Second Coming of Jesus Christ)

 Jesus five Sermons Contain on eight Chapters, I believe if we have made memorize these 08 chapters to our children by the Will of God they will be able to fulfill Gods Will in their life, family, job, with their relations and in once residential areas.

 Musical Training:

In the Musical Training Children are trained for Harmonium (Piano) and Tabla for worshiping Gods with Sur and Taal.


1.      Introduction of the Keys

2.      Types of the Keys

3.      Arro and Avrro (Up and Down)

4.      Introduction about Sabkat

5.      20 Basic Lessons for Harmonium

6.      Geet and Zaboor  (Psalm) Swarmalika (Notations)

7.      Introduction of Raag


 Basics of Tabla

 3 Taal 16 Matray





All the above course will be completed in six months and children will be able to recite Jesus five sermons by heart as well as they can worship with the Harmonium and Tabla.

After 06 months we will visit them once a month and give them new lessons for preparations.

Every week we take 02 classed Saturday and Sunday evening for six months after six months we will go to the next 02 church for the same course.


Scripture are providing them in the print shape these five sermons, our wish we can get print these entire five sermons in a book so that these children can learn easily. However we provide them copies of this sermon. By the Will of God it will be possible! Amen

Our humble wish to gift them with a Piano and Tabla so that they can practice and learn without any hurdle.  By the Will of God it will be possible! Amen

By the Will of God we will train every year four church children and adults for Gospel Memorization and Musical Training. 

Jesus Film

Jesus Film, Paul Film, The Revelation Film also shown to them for the growth of their faith. We are praying for upgrading the Jesus Film Kit.


After every month the children have a chance to perform in a program so that their parents and other people can be motived through their Gospel Memorization and Skill of Playing Music.